Wednesday, March 25, 2009

UE: Ziba Initial Research.

Introducing Mike and Jill.
Jill and Mike are graphic designers who rent a hip, modern apartment in NYC. They are both in their 20s and just started their career. They work for a famous advertising agency and have very little time. In her spare time Jill likes to look around in antique stores and Mike explores print shops. Jill and Mike usually hang out at a local bar that sells home-made beer and is known for its eco-friendly design. Jill and Mike recycle and are actively promoting a green lifestyle to their friends in family. Their close friends Anna and Tom, who are a little bit older, work in the marketing department and also enjoy environmentally-friendly design. Both couples like to listen to live music and love a picnic on a good summer day.

Suitable for all ages.
Both Jill and Mike love milk. They love flavored milk and usually drink it in the evening while relaxing by the tv. Jill likes Ziba because she can easily put it her purse and save it for later. When you have a lot of materials and a bottle of milk, NY subway can be stressful. That is why Ziba is perfect for her. Mike likes Ziba because it fits his image. It is not too girly and is compact and easy to carry around. It is the perfect size to carry from home to office. Mike actually thinks that milk is becoming fashionable. Jill also drinks her milk on the way to work right after she takes it out of the fridge to keep it cool. Ziba is small, so Jill and Mike have no trouble fitting a package of two in the office refrigerator. Ziba is also perfect for the times when Jill's niece comes over during the weekend. 8 year-old Annie loves the design that is not as big and chunky as most other milk containers.
Jill likes that Ziba does not leave a mess that milk cartons do sometimes. It has a cap so it is always sealed shut and never spills.

We're not the only ones out there.
Arla Jiggers
Milk Collection 1
Milk Collection 2
Shatto Milk
Arla Milk 1
Arla Milk 2
Milk Concept
Arla Milk - WWF Earth Hour
Milk carton by Raw-Edges Design Studio
Lacto Free
Milk Jugs
Tuscan Milk
Fresh Coop Milk
Dairy Land
Straus Organic

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