Tuesday, December 22, 2009

REV(isions): Ziba label/brand.

I revized the new Ziba label and logo, as well as the typefaces used. Back in the spring the big issue was the similarity between Ziba and the Retro Modern type con. The new typefaces of the logo is Adventure Subtitles. It looks hip and modern like my audience. The combination of rounded and straight edges paired with the fluidity of ITC Century Bold Condensed carries connotes milk for young and modern people. The labels now feature my own photography instead of the found work I used in the previous version. The logo is punched out from the colored bar to be the same, but also varied, depending on the background. I added little icons to show the flavor of the milk without cluttering up the image. The lid and the bottom of the bottle are now utilized for recycling information. The idea of a duplex printed label is still there, but to make it applicable to any guest artist, the back of the label now gives you an inspirational quote, rather than additional text on the artwork itself.
I was thinking of putting information about the artist on the back of the label, but I realized that since most of the milk is consumed in the morning, my audience could be more interested in getting a short message rather than a long paragraph about someone they might not even care about.
I made some changes in the brandbook as well, mostly by replacing Century Gothic and New Caledonia with Museo and ITC Century. I love Museo! Pictures or layouts will be posted soon.

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