Wednesday, October 21, 2009

ME: Brainstorming ideas.

1.A screen made out of a stack of images.
2.A bulletin board with folders stuck on it. On hover, the folder spits out works
3.Navigation scroll showing different landscapes the work was made in.
4.Diary format. A digital book showing progress over time.
5.A scale that can be moved to show different works like books, 3d, paintings, posters. All works are lined according to their physical size.
6.Works presented like a collection of butterflies with pins
7.Portfolio represented like an physical portfolio bag that you can "dig" into.
8.Portfolio-like a gallery presentation in a physical space that you can zoom on and scroll left, right, up and down.
9. Animation of works falling out from a portfolio that I carry. The user has to pick works up (that's how they see them) and once they're done looking, the work goes back in the bag.
10. The user sees a house and has an option to zoom in. Once they do, an element of spying occurs and they can see the work hanging on the walls by zooming in and out.
11. Works laying around on the desk. You can click a button to organize them or you can do that manually according to your own idea of how they should be.

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