Thursday, October 22, 2009

VA: Birth Of A User and Graphic Authorship.

Loads of info for you, Nik.

Birth of a User
Birth of A User by Ellen Lupton
Same reading we had before. I think the most important part in it is the listing of common misconceptions about users (fast digital readers, etc).

Full list -50 best websites 2009
Has the list of websites. If you click on the link, it explains why they are so innovational, friendly, etc. I would go with the most famous one so that people can imagine what we're talking about.

10 websites that will matter in 2009
Not very known websites that compete with the giants of the industry like and just good info about new tendencies and user-oriented design.

A few links to user-friendly websites. Some tips repeat, but each article has valid and pretty clear information.
12 Useful Techniques For Good User Interface Design by Dmitry Fadeev
Good techniques + images to support them.

4 Characteristics of User-Friendly Websites
by Steven Snell
More tips on how to make your website more user-friendly.

User Friendly Website - Practical Tips
More tips.

Secrets of a Good User Interface by Joseph P. Ferrari
A bit tedious, but some information is pretty good and can be mentioned in the presentation.

Most Web 2.0 Users Are Really Just Couch Potatoes by Bruce Nussbaum.
Interesting info about Web 2.0 users. Statistics:
These YouTube and Flickr numbers are even worse than the 1% Rule—for every 100 users of social media, only ten actively participate, and only 1 actually creates something. Back in July, 2006, the ratio of creators to consumers on YouTube was 0.5%. Now it is 0.16%. Many more people are drawn to YouTube to watch than to create.

Graphic Authorship
Authorship in the Digital Age
You’re Not Just a Designer Anymore, or Are You?
This one is about the change of the authorship in the digital age. The first part seems to be the most useful, but I'm giving you the link, b/c it has examples of people in it.

Bruce Mau by Steven Heller
Article about a new type of designer that has a great interview about design authorship.
Here's his website.

What does it really mean to call for a graphic designer to be an author? by Michael Rock
Same reading that we did in class. I'm sure you have your own interpretation of it, but my favorite part is this: "The earliest definitions are not associated with writing per se, but rather denote 'the person who originates or gives existence to anything'. Other usages have authoritarian - even patriarchal - connotations: 'the father of all life', 'any inventor, constructor or founder', 'one who begets' and 'a director, commander, or ruler'.

Doors of Perception 8, Delhi by John Thackara
A post I found that talks about Hilary Cottam, winner of 2005 Design Museum Designer of the Year award. Short post, but good information.
Hillary's website.

The Orphan Works Bill explanation
A video about what it is as well as a short written description. You can see the actual Bill here.
The quote below is essentially what the bill is about in legal terms.
To qualify for this section, a user must (1) perform and document a good faith – but ultimately unsuccessful – search for the owner of the copyright in the work being used prior to such use; (2) provide attribution if the identity, but not location, of the owner is known; and (3) include with the use of the infringing work a symbol, indicating the author was not located, in a manner the Copyright Office will prescribe.

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